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russische bücher: deleuze Gilles - Francis Bacon. The Logic of Sensation
Код: 34558760

Francis Bacon. The Logic of Sensation

deleuze Gilles

Переплет: мягкий
In this landmark text by one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century, Gilles Deleuze takes the paintings of Francis Bacon as his ...
Наличие: распродано
russische bücher: Levinas Emmanuel - Entre Nous
Код: 34558858

Entre Nous

Levinas Emmanuel

Переплет: мягкий
Entre Nous is a major collection of essays representing the culmination of Emmanuel Levinas's philosophy. Bringing together his most important work in ...
Наличие: распродано
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  • наименований:
  • 0
  • количество:
  • 0
  • сумма:
  • 0.00 €
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