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Дизайн городских садов

Дизайн городских садов

Basbe Xavier

Подкатегории: Искусство
Код: 04253938
Страниц: 175
Переплет: твердый в суперобложке
Бумага: мелованная
Иллюстрации: цветные иллюстрации
Размер: 22.5 x 24.5 x 2.5 см
Вес: 645 г.
ISBN: 978-84-96936-29-4
Наличие: распродано
Landscape design, or landscape architecture, perfectly defines the projects presented in this work: the art of designing open spaces with living and inert elements. Exteriorism means understanding a home's setting as just another of its inhabitable parts. It means extending the space that can be used and enjoyed through to the last corner of the garden or terrace. The projects by Ignasi and Xavier Bisbe that illustrate this book are a fresh, living and contemporary illustration of what we understand as "exteriorism". Behind the gardens and balconies that feature in this book lies a drastic transformation to traditional landscape gardening. It is pure exteriorism.
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