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Ready for IELTS. Student`s book (+CD)

Ready for IELTS. Student`s book (+CD)

McCarter S.

Код: 04327215
Страниц: 280
Переплет: мягкий
Размер: 21 x 29 x 1.8 см
Вес: 850 г.
ISBN: 978-0-230-73218-6
Наличие: распродано
Our new IETLS preparation course combines the successful elements of the Ready For series and an experienced author team to ensure students aiming for IELTS bands 5- 6.5 are ready for success!All four skills are systematically and progressively developed and practised in each unit, while in- depth exam training is presented in the 'What to expect in the exam' and 'How to go about it' help boxes. There is a complete IELTS grammar syllabus, and vocabulary and word building skills make up a key part of the course. The accompanying CD-ROM offers further practice of the exam papers. It can be used completely independently from the Student's Book, and is ideal for self- study.
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