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The Little Man

The Little Man

Alexandrova-Zorina Liza

Код: 04445414
Страниц: 284
Переплет: мягкий
Размер: 12 x 20 x 1.3 см
Вес: 304 г.
ISBN: 978-5-7172-0124-7
Наличие: распродано
A group of gangsters takes control of a town in the sticks. Defending his daughter, the protagonist accidentally shoots their chief and walks away in full view of the crowd. He hides in the forest living with the Saami deer-breeders and is transformed from a nonentity to a people's avenger, killing the corrupt mayor and the chief of police. The townsfolk are first overjoyed, but when a prize is offered for his head they compete to turn him in to the police. After a series of extraordinary events new gangsters take control.
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