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Таро Снов Чиро Маркетти

Таро Снов Чиро Маркетти

Маркетти Чиро

Код: 02501406
Переплет: другое
Размер: 14 x 17 x 3.2 см
Вес: 494 г.
ISBN: 9781572817579
Наличие: распродано
arot of Dreams presents a unique set of vivid dream images that map out a journey of deep discovery. Transcending culturally specific myths, Ciro's intensely personalized approach to tarot offers readers a powerful tool for self-discovery. Tarot of Dreams invites us all to explore the web of visual and emotional associations that occur at the intersection of dreams and tarot. The 78 traditional cards are supplemented with four Palace cards that give further context to the Court cards.
Lee Bursten's insightful Guidebook seamlessly weaves together psychological, astrological and kabbalistic elements into the story of the Fool's lourney. Tarot of Dreams also includes a special Tree of Life Card.
Набор из 83 карт и книги.
Упаковка: картонная коробка.
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