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Claire Llewellyn - Mac Fact Read. Spiders

Claire Llewellyn - Mac Fact Read. Spiders

Llewellyn Claire

Код: 06757410
Страниц: 32
Переплет: мягкий
Бумага: мелованная
Иллюстрации: цветные иллюстрации
Размер: 15 x 23 x 0.2 см
Вес: 68 г.
ISBN: 9780230432260
Наличие: распродано
This six-level series of factual readers allows English language learners to explore a variety of fascinating real-world topics. Each reader has been carefully graded to reinforce the main structures and vocabulary covered in most major language courses. The use of the plus symbol (+) highlights the increased level of challenge in language as compared to a standard reader, reflecting the focus on content learning.
Includes a glossary with explanations of key vocabulary
Free teaching notes, audio and exercises available
Level 4
  • наименований:
  • 0
  • количество:
  • 0
  • сумма:
  • 0.00 €
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