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Рождественские сказки Ганса Андерсена. Hans Andersen's Christmas Tales

Рождественские сказки Ганса Андерсена. Hans Andersen's Christmas Tales

Андерсен Г.Х.

Код: 04727840
Страниц: 88
Переплет: твердый
Размер: 14.5 x 21.5 x 1 см
Вес: 112 г.
ISBN: 978-5-519-49099-3
Наличие: распродано
The Hans Andersen Fairy Tales will be read in schools and homes as long as there are children who love to read. As a story-teller for children the author has no rival in power to enlist the imagination and carry it along natural, healthful lines. The power of his tales to charm and elevate runs like a living thread through whatever he writes. A few children's authors will be ranked among the Immortals, and Hans Andersen is one of them.
The text of the present edition is a reprint of an earlier one which was based upon a sentence-by-sentence comparison of the four or five translations current in Europe and America. It has been widely commended as enjoyable reading, while faithful to the letter and spirit of the Danish original. The order of the selections adapts the reading to the growing child should be sufficiently easy for children of about eight or nine years old.
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