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The Giver

The Giver

Lowry Lois

Код: 34118836
Серия: «Giver Quartet»
Страниц: 240
Переплет: мягкий
Иллюстрации: отсутствуют
Язык издания: английский
Год издания: 2017
Возрастные ограничения: 16+
Размер: 10 x 17 x 1.2 см
Вес: 145 г.
ISBN: 978-0-544-44220-7
Наличие: распродано
The Giver, the 1994 Newbery Medal winner, has become one of the most influential novels of our time. The haunting story centers on twelve-year-old Jonas, who lives in a seemingly ideal, if colorless, world of conformity and contentment. Not until he is given his life assignment as the Receiver of Memory does he begin to understand the dark, complex secrets behind his fragile community. Lois Lowry has written three companion novels to The Giver, including Gathering Blue, Messenger, and Son.
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