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My First Emotions. Develop your child's emotional intelligence
 = Мои первые эмоции: комплект на английском языке

My First Emotions. Develop your child's emotional intelligence = Мои первые эмоции: комплект на английском языке

Код: 06973230
Страниц: 120
Переплет: коробка
Иллюстрации: цветные иллюстрации
Бумага: картон
Язык издания: английский
Год издания: 2017
Возрастные ограничения: 0+
Размер: 32.7 x 23.5 x 11.2 см
Вес: 1550 г.
ISBN: 978-1-911010-03-6
Наличие: распродано
Research shows that building a child's emotional intelligence improves their social skills, relationships, behaviour and academic achievement.
'My First Emotions' teaches you vital parenting techniques and provides a wealth of multisensory, connected learning materials to use with your child. It was specially written by British experts -based on the latest psychological research -and uses methods proven to develop children's emotional understanding.
With 'My First Emotions', you will be able to:
- better understand your child's emotions;
- deal with your child's emotions and behaviour in a healthy way;
- teach your child how to understand their own and other people's emotions;
- help your child to control their emotions;
- build a warm and healthy emotional environment in your family.
* 5 books about emotions
Help your child to see how Robbie the rabbit experiences and handles emotions through these engaging tales.
* Robbie Puppet & 5 Emotion Toys
Make Robbie and his emotions 'come to life'! Talk about, model and explore emotions in a safe and fun way using the puppet, and toys with sounds.
* 30 Story Cards
Make up your own unique stories and play games to deepen your child's understanding of emotions.
* Parent's Guide
Everything you need to know about developing your child's emotional intelligence. Features a wealth of fantastic advice from Dr John Lambie.
* Activity Book
60 entertaining games and activities to help you put the guidance into practice and develop your child's emotional understanding
* More Online
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