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Beyond the Chains of Illusion. My encounter with Marx and Freud

Beyond the Chains of Illusion. My encounter with Marx and Freud

Fromm Erich

Код: 34559006
Страниц: 130
Переплет: мягкий
Год издания: 2017
Размер: 13.8 x 21.5 x 0.9 см
Вес: 204 г.
ISBN: 9781501334481
Наличие: распродано
First published in 1962 Beyond the Chains of Illusion is Fromm's landmark book about Marx and Freud. Here he delivers original readings of these hugely influential thinkers and, in doing so, offers us new ways of understanding the individual and society. Perhaps even more revealing than these readings is the insight we get into Fromm's own thought and the political and social contexts in which he formed his ideas. Including a foreword by Fromm's Literary Executor, Rainer Funk, this is unique introduction to Marx and Freud and also to Fromm's life and thought.
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